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Christ dyed because he would dye . . . His soule did not leave his body by force, but because he would, and when he would . . . Christ did not dye naturally, nor violently, as all others do, but only voluntarily. I do not need the full-text "Biathanatos"! I should like to read the stanza (paragraph, chapter etc.), containing this quoting, completely. This was wholly it is enough.
We Ask to publish it here or send on justas1946@nm.ru
Shall be more thanking!
+ We Beg pardon for terrible english of the program of the machine translation... :)
For first, Christ dyed because he would dye; other men admitted to the dignity of Martyrdome, are willing to dye; but they dye by the torments of the Executioners, they cannot bid their soules goe out, and say, now I will dye. And this was Christs case: It was not only, I lay down my life for my sheep, but he sayes also, No man can take away my soule; And, I have power to lay it down; And De facto, he did lay it down, he did dye, before the torments could have extorted his soule from him; Many crucified men lived many dayes upon the Crosse; The thieves were alive, long after Christ was dead; and therefore Pilate wondred, that he was already dead. His soule did not leave his body by force, but because he would, and when he would, and how he would;Thus far then first, this is an answer to this question, Quis homo? Christ did not die naturally, nor violently, as all others doe, but only voluntarily
It is interesting, whether argument Thomas DeQuincey in his spore with John Donn is recognized now?"Now, whenever this view of corporal punishment becomes general (as inevitably it will, under the influence of advancing civilization), I say, that Donne's principle will then become applicable to this case, and it will be the duty of a man to die rather than to suffer his own nature to be dishonored in that way. But so long as a man is not fully sensible of the dishonor, to him the dishonor, except as a personal one, does not wholly exist. In general, whenever a paramount interest of human nature is at stake, a suicide which maintains that interest is self-homicide: but, for a personal interest, it becomes self-murder. And into this principle Donne's may be resolved." (ON SUICIDE) Or this argument only seems -- prima facie --reliable? :)
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