I am the writer of a short film screenplay, 'The Canonisation of Hinemoa and Tutanekai'. This uses the poem ,"The Canonoisation" by John Donne. It takes the traditional Moari love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai whereby Hinemoa swims the cold deep Lake Rotorua to reach the hot pools in the island of Mokoia and her forbidden lover, Tutanekai. In modern context , the lovers are charged with criminal offences and face the Court .Sweeping aside the stale suffocating language of lawyers paid to represent them, they defend themselves in the words of John Donne. 'For Gods sake, hold your tongue and let me love" Hinemoa tells the Court.
I am a lawyer and writer/ director of a short film, 'Coleridges Kubla Khan' - go to www.kublakhan.co.nz . I would like to correspond with anyone interested in contributing to this new short film. We are looking for donations to help make it. email seonaid@ihug.co.nz or PO Box 56-438 Mt Eden Auckland, New Zealand Tel 0064 9 623 3859; Fax 0064 9 623 3857