As part of an ongoing research project on Cognitive Literary Studies and the Renaissance (with a particular interest in "The Bait"), I am interested in locating people who studied undergraduate or graduate poetry coures with I.A. Richards (most probably at Harvard. I am interested in the following issues:
1. His pedagogic method, that is, about how he involved students in responses to specific poetic texts.
2. Which texts he taught, and particularly if he taught poems in conjunction with each other.
3. Any particular methods he used for gathering real responses to the texts.
I'm far to young to have studied under Professor Richards, but I am currently writing a dissertation at the University of Toronto on his non-cognitivist leanings. I specifically look at the conflict between his emotivism, which subordinates sense to feeling, and his practical criticism, which scrutinizes sense in order to get to feeling. You may have noticed that few scholars these days have any interest in Richards, and what a shame! So I'm just writing to let you know that I'm on your side and would enjoy communicating with you in the future about this subject.