Woops! By thanking Roberta for her suggestions, I didn't mean to cut off any further posts. Please consider the topic wide open. I'm very interested in the how-to of obtaining permissions for photographs that are available on the web and elsewhere. Sincerely, Anita Sherman
I'm sorry there aren't any more responses, as I'd much rather see posts about Donne than about futon frames, cheap auto insurance, and whatever other spam this message board is attracting.
We have photos of the Donne items you mention in vol. 8 of the Variorum. Paul Parrish personally photographed the Drury monuments in Hawstead, and we wrote to the rector of Hawstead for permission to publish them--it was graciously granted at no charge. We got permission from St. Paul's to include the Donne effigy, using a photo already on file at the Courthold Institute.