I am cataloging a 17th-century dictionary onfce owned by I.A. Shapiro, whose John Donne collection now resides at the Texas A&M University Cushing Library.
There's one niggly thing I'm trying to resolve--the author's name. The work is the Dictionarium harmonicum et plane novum...authore, Christiano Nirmutano (I think this would be Christianus Nirmutanus in the Latin nominative case). There are two notes written inside the book preceding the t.p. One says author: Matth. Tournemain. On the other side it's signed I. A. Shapiro, and (in what looks like Shapiro's hand) it says, "Matthew Turnemain was a Protestant theologian who had met Donne & corresponded with him. See Tob. Mathew Collin, p. 310."
There are no name authority records for either Nirmutanus, Nirmutano, or Turnemain in the OCLC/WorldCat authority file.
Do you know what source Mr. Shapiro is referring to here? I've tried looking up variants of these names on our catalog, in the Library of Congress catalog, WorldCat and Google, and haven't found this source. I also "paged" through (virtually speaking) a volume of Donne's correspondence in Early English Books Online, to no avail. If you have any ideas, please e-mail me.
Many thanks,
Felicia Piscitelli Associate Professor Coordinator of Cataloging and Italian Resources Librarian University Libraries Texas A&M University f-piscitelli@tamu.edu
Felicia, I think Shapiro's reference is to the Toby Matthew Collection of letters, of which Cushing has a copy (we got it in the Shapiro auction at Sotheby's). I don't have images of this vol. here in the office, and it doesn't seem to be included in the EEBO collection, either. but I'll bet that you'll find the reference if you check that volume.
sorry I'm posting this quite late but maybe you are still going back to past threads sometimes.
Tournemaine is mentioned by Howard Hodson in a book about Ramist influences in Germany, see the page here: http://books.google.com/books?id=y_xqqObZ55AC&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=Dictionarium+harmonicum+et+plane+novum&source=bl&ots=DbdlZU9UHE&sig=17keFalJ9jTnUIHM6ebklYnIaws&hl=en&ei=jV_ES_XBAYSOOLHW5bUP&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CAgQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Dictionarium%20harmonicum%20et%20plane%20novum&f=false
Hodson prefers the French spelling, although the footnote provides the German and Latin spellings, too. He calls T. a student of Johann Alsted and cites some sources you may find useful.
The WorldCat page for T. does exist, but it gives the Latin spelling: http://www.worldcat.org/wcidentities/np-tornomannus,%20matthaeus
A German source (I've lost the link, but it will come up very high on Google search for "Tornomannus") mentions a Mattheus Tornomannus as "pastor Francofurtensis".
EEBO seems to have nothing for each of the versions.
best wishes, Vladimir Makarov Kazan University Russia