My novel, Conceit, about Pegge, the daughter of John Donne, has just been published by Doubleday Canada and is available in the US through on-line bookstores like It should be even easier to buy when it comes out in paperback in Canada in July 2008, and my agent is looking for a US publisher (any ideas on this would be welcome!) I'd be curious to know what people posting on this site think of Conceit--keeping in mind that it IS a novel, of course, not a work of biography or nonfiction!
I have a PhD in literature, so my approach is fairly literary, and I think you'll enjoy the way I've worked in hints of Donne's poems, sermons, and devotions. Conceit was long-listed for the Giller prize up here, and received enthusiastic reviews in The Globe and Mail and other periodicals. If you're interested, the reviews are available from my website, which also has a bio, a reader's guide (with Q&A), and a 17th-century backgrounds page, with a monthly poem by John Donne. Anyway, I hope some of you will read it and I'm game for your comments, if you'd like to share them!